Negotiating Profitable Sales

(A Modular FOUR-Session On-Line Training Program)



You don’t get what you deserve but what you negotiate. The professional negotiators (Procurement, Finance or the CEOs) from the client’s side are known to squeeze their vendors to the maximum with their ruthless haggling. In a desperation to close major orders, quite often salespeople offer concessions not only on price but also on payment terms, credit period, support etc. without realizing that every concession drags down the profitability.


The advanced program will enable you with a practical toolkit to operate from a position of strength and claim maximum value across the negotiating table.


  1. To internalize the qualities of a Skillful Negotiator
  2. To understand how price discounts have a huge and a disproportionate impact on company profitability.
  3. Develop a roadmap to handle pressure tactics from purchase and finance managers in closing orders towards Profitable Sales.

For Whom:

The program is suitable for Senior Sales Executives, Managers, VP-Sales and CEOs who are selling high-value capital equipments, precision products, projects etc. The target segments are Machine Tools, Engineering, Electrical and Electronics, Luxury and Premium Products (Furniture, Automobile, Realty), Startups & Project Sales (Software, Hardware, Automation & Infrastructure)

Being an Advanced and an Intensive program, it is recommended that the participants have a minimum experience of 5 years and adequate selling skills with a minimum annual target of Rs 5 Crores/$5Mn

How to Attend:

Participants who attend all the four sessions are eligible for certification by sharing a success story by application of the tools and techniques discussed during the program. Attending an implementation session is mandatory which shall be held within 2 weeks of the program completion.

Alternatively, you can attend ANY of the FOUR SESSIONS by paying the requisite fees for the corresponding number of sessions.

Major Themes:

Module I: Preparation prior to the Meeting

  • Difference between a Skillful and an Average Negotiator
  • Negotiation strategy based on Relationship and Substantive issues
  • Two Types of Negotiation – Distributive (Claiming Value) & Integrative (Creating Value)
  • Factors affecting Power in Negotiations:
    - Alternatives, Legitimacy, Risk, Knowledge (of the negotiating process & the other party) Perception of the other party
  • Qualities of a Skillful Negotiator

Module II: Negotiating across the Table

  • Identify your BATNA – Best Alternative to the Negotiated Agreement
  • Role of BATNA, Reservation Price and ZOPA
  • The importance of asking the right questions
  • Active Listening skills for identifying the critical issues
  • Anchoring and how to respond to the initial offer
  • Enhancing Negotiating Leverage thro’ Information, Time and Power

Module III: Financial Implications of Concessions

  • Financial Basics salespeople should know, Top-Line, Bottom-line, EBIDTA, breakeven point
  • Calculating the cost of concessions
  • How discounts affect the company profitability in a disproportionate way
  • Negotiating variable beyond price: Volume, mix, payment terms etc.
  • Techniques to handle concessions: If I were to give you, can you give me...
  • Logrolling: Trading across issues – Issue Analysis

Module IV: Order Closing

  • Handling discounts in multiple rounds of negotiations
  • Anticipate No Agreement and making counteroffers Throw something in for a quick close
  • Don’t offer to split the difference
  • Use relative value
  • Make people happy when you negotiate
  • Confronting Lies & deception – Look Prepared, signal your ability to obtain information. Use contingency contracts,
  • Claiming the money on the table


Rajan Parulekar, B.E. (Electrical), MBA
- Author, Contextual Selling®: A New Sales Paradigm for the 21st Century
- Completed Enhancing Sales Force Performance program at IIM-A in 2013
- Trained around 15,000 sales executives from 1000+ companies since 1995
- Conducted programs in India, SAARC, Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and GCC
- Best Sales Performance in Asia Award – Wiltron USA 1990
- Winner -International Taped Speech Contest by TMI USA -1997
- Worked with Larsen & Toubro, Wiltron and Toshniwal

Program Methodology:

The training program is highly interactive, experiential and activity oriented. It includes a judicious mix of role plays case studies exercises etc. The on-line program also uses tools like Polls, Surveys, Breakout Rooms, Recorded Role Plays and whiteboards.

There are FOUR HALF-DAY Modules on Zoom and the timings shall be 10 AM to 1.30 PM (IST) .
For calendar and charges:; 98450 14098.
For In-House corporate programs the programs can be either on a class-room format or on-line.